Thank you for taking the time to learn about the Christian Heritage Party of Canada. We invite you to explore our platform, sign-up, volunteer and become a member.
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Frequenty Asked Questions
Who is CHP Canada?
CHP Canada (the CHP) is a national political party based on time-tested biblical principles. We promote the foundational principles upon which Canada’s Constitution, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and all our social institutions and legal system depend. Our candidates offer voters an opportunity to elect MPs who will restore common sense, justice and life-affirming legislation to Canada.
What does the CHP stand for?
The CHP values and will defend all innocent human life. We believe in natural traditional marriage and support parental rights in education and the raising of children. We support freedom of speech and freedom of worship. We believe governments must be fiscally responsible; they must balance their budgets and eliminate deficit spending.
What makes the CHP unique?
We are different from other political parties. The Christian Heritage Party of Canada was formed because no other federal party was willing to address the most important issues facing our country. Although there have always been some dedicated MPs who have shown courage on social issues, their party leaders have failed to represent the principles upon which our civilization depends: freedom of speech, respect for all innocent human life, the defence of traditional marriage, and the protection of children.
Is the CHP a ‘one-issue party’?
No. In fact, we have common-sense policies on almost everything including trade, agriculture, national defence, energy, immigration and environment. However, the protection of innocent human life and the defence of traditional marriage have become ‘one-party issues’. We will not be bullied into silence on these critical topics. If we don’t speak up, who will? Our other policies and economic platform will stand on their own but we cannot allow human life to be devalued and our freedoms to be traded away.
Aren’t you ‘splitting the vote’?
Some people think that we should compromise on important issues in order to get elected. They would vote for the ‘lesser of two evils’ and hope for the best, rather than voting for the only party —the CHP— that actually represents their values. That is why Canada’s national character has changed so much in recent years... because good people have accepted bad government, bad policies and bad choices on the ballot. The only way good people can reclaim the foundations of a just society is by supporting candidates who represent their deeply-held convictions. We hope one day all candidates and all parties will boldly speak up for life, freedom and justice. Until they do, they have not earned your support.
Aren’t you mixing ‘church and state’?
No. We believe the federal government must not interfere with churches or the freedom of every citizen to follow his or her own beliefs. We do not suggest that churches should write the laws of the land. Church and state each have their place. Every citizen and every MP has a set of beliefs that guide his or her decision-making. They may not call it a religion but it is like a religion in that it determines how they think, and influences their decisions. Today, some MPs are attempting to impose their views on all Canadians even when those views conflict with the deeply-held views of many Canadians. The CHP simply upholds the right of every citizen to practice his or her faith without interference. If we lose that freedom, our democracy will crumble.
Can the CHP really make a difference?
With your help, YES! Even one person can make a difference. Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, William Wilberforce, Winston Churchill . . . and many others. When one person does the right thing for the right reason and shows integrity and conviction, he or she has a profound influence on others. Your vote, your words, your actions are needed now more than ever. Canada needs you!
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